Section Nom Description
SIGARRA Course Info UC info
SIGARRA Summaries Sumários SIGARRA
General Info and Planning Fichier UC Presentation
Classes Content Fichier Class 1: Semantic Web and Linked Data high level concepts
Fichier Class 2: Semantic web applications; Introduction to RDF
Fichier Class 3: RDF vocabulary and formats
Dossier Class 4: Representational State Transfer (talk by Researcher Ricardo Graça, Fraunhofer AICOS)
Fichier Class 5: Concepts of RDF Schema
Fichier Class 6: Introduction to SPARQL
Fichier Class 7: Ontologies. Introduction to OWL language.
Fichier Class 9: OWL Properties
Fichier Class 12: Summary & Wrap-up. Linked Data. Ontology Evaluation.
Practical Exercises Fichier Practical Exercises | Sheet 1 : Publishing data on the Semantic Web
Fichier Practical exercises | Sheet 2: Resource Description Language Serialization
Fichier Practical exercises | Sheet 3: Querying data on the Semantic Web
Fichier Practical exercises | Sheet 4: SPARQL queries.
Fichier Practical exercises | Sheet 4: SPARQL Queries Proposed Solutions
Fichier Practical Exercises | Sheet 5: Protégé
Fichier Practical exercises | Sheet 6: Creating an ontology
Fichier Practical exercises | Sheet 7: The zebra puzzle
Practical Work Info Fichier Practical Work Proposals
Fichier Practical Work by Laws
Fichier Paper template (for final delievery)
Bibliography and further reading URL Searching for Patent Data

Linked open EP data creates a public web of interlinked patent data from EPO and other data publishers that can be queried, retrieved and viewed using standardized web technologies like HTTP, URI, RDF and SPARQL.

URL European Data Portal
URL A semantic rule based digital fraud detection
Fichier Applications of knowledge graphs for food science and industry
Fichier OWL Pizzas: Practical Experience of Teaching OWL-DL: Common Errors & Common Patterns