Opções de inscrição

This year concept for the course is: Peer Learning, Building and Sharing Knowledge

The overall idea is that students have to choose a topic to research, develop a multimedia application (if applicable), write a paper on that subject and then present it at a conference, which will be organized by the students/professor at the end of the course. The process includes blind peer review of the papers by other students; the final version of the paper and presentation must include the feedback from the reviewers. The conference will be held at FCUP auditorium and will be attended by students, staff and invited participants. Their will be peer-to-peer assessment to award the best paper.

Respect and Give First Rule

Above all technical concepts you will learn through out the semester, there are 2 rules for this class:

1. Respect your peers by caring about what other think, share and feel.

2. Give first attitude, you must help your peers.

Lecture: introduction of the fundamental concepts and principals of multimedia systems. Present case studies of each topic applied to industry examples. Organize debates to discuss each concept presented in class.

Labs: students gets assistance from faculty to solve the problems presented at each lab, which will lead to the completion of the final project.

How to approach this course

This is a hands-on project based course. The professor is your guide. The professor is not meant to tell you everything as it is expected that a level of independence and autonomous is gained.

Lectures are meant to show you the path and lead you in the right direction to get you started. The rest of the learning depends on how much effort and grit you put into your work.

Your goal is to explore, research and develop a system or create a video that applies to the course concept theme for this year.

Most important this course aims to be fun, interactive and show you a side of multimedia systems that maybe you might have not been exposed before. Be creative and have fun with it!

This is not suppose to be a programming course even though programming might be required to take the most out of the course.

Grading Policy

a) Assignment 1: State of the art paper/article presentation 25%

b) Assignment 2: Multimedia project 75% (report and presentations 50%, system/demo/prototype is 25%)

Distributed evaluation without final exam.

Evaluation is individual, even when students work in pairs.

Attending class is mandatory.

Attendance in Lecture classes

It is mandatory to attend the lecture classes when a State of the Art paper / Article presentation is presented by a team.

During the team presentations each student that is not presenting will provide written feedback to each team.

Missing 2 or more presentations of your classmates will result in losing 1 point of the overall grade at the end of the semester and you will not be able to present your final project.

Note that if you can't present your final project you will not be graded for the presentation of it.

If you can't came to a class talk to the professor.

This course aims to encourage the concept of "giving back and helping others" as a basis of building a cooperative working environment where the foundation is to be humble and have empathy for others.

To understand more about this topic watch the TED talk by Adam Grant: Are you a giver or a taker?

Working Students

If you are a working student you must let the professor know if you want to be graded based on the grading system set for the course or if you want to be graded as following:

a) Assignment 1: State of the art paper/article Presentation 25% (You will need to create a video with the presentation and you explaining the topic, length 10 minutes)

Assignment 2: Multimedia project 75% (report and presentations 50%, system/demo/prototype is 25%)

You must let the professor know by no later than February 25th the grading option you will follow.

Remember that if you chose to follow the regular grading policy you must attend classes.

Assignment Description

All assignments are done in teams of 4.
Teams will be randomly assign the first day of class.
Make sure that you have a team by no later than October 21st.

a) Assignment 1: State of the art paper/article presentation 25%

Students will be assigned a topic from the list of topics of the course.

1. Students will then need to choose an article, show it to the professor who will approve it. If you have difficulty choosing the article please talk to the professor for assistance.

2. After choosing the topic the students will need to prepare a 15 minute presentation about the topic. The topic will be presented on an assigned day.

3. Students will also need to prepare 4 short abstracts about the topic. By short I mean maximum 1 page A4. You can divided the article you will present in 4 parts.

4. Students will also need to prepare 10 questions and answer those questions. Questions should follow the creation of "Essential Questions Methodology".

All the material should be sent to the professor by now later than Monday at 10am of the week the presentation is taking place

The Thursday before the day of your presentation you must bring to the lab the "final draft" of all the material requested.

b) Assignment 2: Multimedia project 75% (report and presentations50%, system/demo/prototype is 25%)

Students will need to:

1. Deploy a system or create a video based on the course topic: Innovation, Social Impact

2. Write a short article describing: why you did the system/video you did, what you have done, and how you did it. The format of the style of the article will be provided by the professor. Article should be minimum 4 pages double column. Notice that the more you write the more contributions you will need to provide.

3. Prepare a presentation about your system/video that will be presented at the end of the semester.

Late Policy

As a general rule no late “assignments” will be accepted. They are hard deadline and if not presented they will not be graded and receive a “zero”.
 In exceptional cases, such as a doctor’s appointment may allow for an additional extension or late pass. These will be handle on a case basis.

What happen if I do not have a team?

If you do not have a team contact the professor as soon as possible.

After October 21st no more teams will be allow and if you do not have a team you will not be able to take the course

If you did not attend the first day of class you will be assign to a team that has 3 or less participants. If all teams have 4 participants you will be starting a new team and will either have new team members if more students show up in the class or you will have to do the course by yourself.
Período: 2ºSemestre
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