Opções de inscrição

This UC aims to promote applied research about the workplace with risk assessment of occupational injuries and diseases, study of biomechanical and experimental clinical techniques and definition of methodologies for case analysis;

The proposed methodology consists in carrying out a bibliographical research on a subject related to the analysis of a workstation or the prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries or occupational diseases in each profession and defining methodologies to study the problems.

This work must be carried out under the supervision of one of the UC teachers and a supervisor of their choice, each student must search for, select and read scientific papers within the UC themes related to their thesis research topic.

The students will have to write a report about the work that must be elaborated in the form of a scientific paper and fulfilling specific quality criteria for publications in the area of Occupational Health and Ergonomics.
Período: 1ºSemestre
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